Hire Azure Web & App Server Developers-ConnectInfosoftTechnologies

Azure Web Server Platform

Visit : https://www.connectinfosoft.com/services/hire-azure-web-app-server-developers/

Connect Infosoft is a leading Azure web app server development company which aims to deliver secure shopping cart software. Our Azure Web Server developer’s team includes specialists in designing, developing and customizing Shopping Apps as per the business needs.

Solution Analysts provides services to setup an eCommerce website based on Azure web apps platform across the globe from small to big size businesses. Our Azure Web Server Development services include installation, integration of theme, payment gateway and much more. Azure Web Server is one of the widely used platform that helps in meeting the needs and requirements of clients effectively.

Azure Web Server is a well known platform for offering huge features and an ultimate user experience. At Connect Infosoft, developers are known for using the advanced and most recent technology that includes all the feature to meet your unique needs and requirements.

Azure Web Server Service:

Azure app service is a platform as a Service (PaaS) offered by Microsoft. We can use it to host web applications, REST API's and backend services for mobile applications.

Azure app service supports multi language or framework. Web applications and services that are developed using any of the programming languages or frameworks like  .NET, .NET Core, Java, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, Python can be hosted using Azure App Service.

Azure App Service:

Azure App Service is a Platform of Service offering. It means, you are only responsible for managing your business application and it's data. Everything else will be managed by Azure. Azure automatically takecare of the network or underlying infrastructure, installing operating system updates, critical patches, runtime or middleware components.


Benefits of choosing Azure Web Apps Services:

1.     Fully Managed Environment:

Azure Web Apps Services provides fully managed environment, Which means App Service automatically patches and maintains the OS and language frameworks. Saves time to focus on designing, developing and maintaining application and its data.

2.     Support Multiple programming languages and frameworks:

Azure App Service supports multi programming languages and frameworks. .NET, Java, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Ruby and Python. It can also run PowerShell and other scripts or executables as background services.

3.     Improved developer productivity with Application Templates:

There are large number of application templates available in Azure Marketplace that can be used as a wizard to install popular open-source software.

4.     Scalability:

Based on the demand of application, App Service can scale resources up and down or in and out. Apps can be hosted anywhere manually or automatically, based on metrics like CPU utilization for example. Web applications that are using the Web Apps Service possess auto-scaling and traffic management capabilities delivering high-performance, user experience with minimal downtime and zero data loss.

5.     Compliance:

Azure Web App Service is ISO (International Organization for Standardization), PCI (Payment Card Industry) and SOC (Service Organization Controls) compliant.

6.     Security:

We can integrate user identity provider services IPS and enhance the capability of web applications. e.g we can use Azure AD to maintain a user database, authenticated login, and authorization.

It can Authenticate users with Azure Active Directory or any of the external authentication providers like Google, Facebook, Twitter, or Microsoft.

7.     Support for Containerization and Docker:

Azure web application can also host a custom Windows or Linux container in App Service. So, app can be dockerize and host in App Service. Also, we can run multi-container apps with Docker Compose.

8.     DevOps Optimization:

We can set up CI/CD i.e continuous integration and deployment with Azure DevOps, GitHub, BitBucket, Docker Hub, or Azure Container Registry.

9.     Access on-premises data:

With App Service we can still access data on-premise servers using Hybrid Connections and Azure Virtual Networks.

10.Diagnostics Tool:

Azure web app services provides diagnostics logs for both application level and server level. Azure supports both:

         Application logging - This is basically the logs written using the code or even uncaught exceptions.

         Web server logging -It contains the logs of HTTP requests which hit the web app.

11.Easy Deployments:

In Azure web apps, we can make use of the DevOps feature and we can deploy our applications directly from source code repositories like Visual Studio Team Services, Git Hub Bitbucket, etc.

12. Visual Studio Integration:

Visual Studio streamlines the work of creating, deploying, and debugging with the dedicated available tools.

13.Web App Deployment Slots:

Azure web apps can be deployed into separate slots to ensure that the application runs as expected before it goes live in production. Deployment slots are containers to host the apps with their own IP address, content and configuration. 

Three main benefits of deployment slots:

 1)     Minimum downtime for the production website: With the Staging slot, we can push app changes to the staging slot and test if everything works good as expected then easily swap the staging slot with production. Since Azure web apps does this activity by changing the virtual IP of both slots, it completes in seconds and the latest code changes reflect in the live website with minimum time.

2)     Effective Testing: As it provide a real-time environmental setup like a production website in Azure so, we can do effective testing on the staging environment and there will be less chances of issues.

3)     Rollback Deployment: easy rollback just by swapping up the development slots with the staging slot. This makes the web apps keep running.

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